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Parent Teacher Association

PTA Banner Logo

At Parmalee, our PTA is the force behind programs like Green Team, Science Fair, Oral Interpretation and Young Writers. They also provide funds for technology in the school to cover both students' online support programs and important supplementary items such as teacher laptops.

The teachers benefit from generous wish list items that add STEM activities and other engaging opportunities to the classroom. The staff at Parmalee feel the love of our community through monthly Staff Appreciation Events.

You can also look at the exterior of the building and find many upgrades provided by PTA’s logistical and financial support, including shade structures on the playground and a revamping of the back of the school.

As a member of the National PTA, our PTA and your membership adds to the voice of parents in local, state and national legislative efforts. As the largest volunteer parent advocacy group, PTA has established programs and called for legislation that improves our children’s lives, such as:

  •  Creation of kindergarten classes
  •  Child labor laws
  •  Public health service
  • Hot and healthy lunch programs
  • Juvenile justice system
  • Mandatory immunization
  • Arts in Education
  • School safety

You can become a member of Parmalee Elementary PTA or make a tax-deductible financial donation to support the school, our students and our community.

You can visit our Parmalee membership hub to find out more about the contributions they make to our school!

Visit the PTA Website to join, to learn more about programs, view school supply options, donate, volunteer and more!

2023-24 PTA Board Members

  • Jo Melzer, President
  • Andrea Stone, Vice President
  • Kristin Hoppes, Treasurer
  • Kaeleigh Darnell, Secretary

Contact Us

Parent Teacher Association
