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Library & Research

The mission of the Parmalee Library is to support the learning, literacy and creativity of the Parmalee students, staff and community by providing the resources and tools to become successful readers, effective users of information and technology and lifelong learners.

Library programs and collaborative teaching foster an authentic and responsive 21st-century learning environment that supports the school’s curriculum, academic goals and commitment to excellence.

This page contains information on important links, the library catalog, student resources, links to keyboarding activities, library policy and more.

Library Policy

Except for the Circulation Policy, all policies come from Jeffco Board Docs and school district policies. Policies are established to best meet the needs of Parmalee students and staff.

Parmalee circulation policy

To ensure equitable and timely access to library materials, the following guidelines shall be followed at Parmalee Elementary.

District and school board policies